Hey, look at that - It's been two years since the pandemic began and we're right back in March 2020. Only this time, instead of Covid we have Putin and instead of masks, we have Ukrainian flags. It would be cool if humans...
EVERYONE has AIDS?! How many coincidences need to happen before something is no longer considered a coincidence? With the insane news cycle we’ve been hit with over the past two years it's easy to forget some of what’s happened, but that’s why...
Joe Rogan CANCELED over Robert Malone?! It used to be lauded in society that when you fall down, you get back up. When you fail, you try again. When you get a game over screen, you hit continue. The idea of persistence and perseverance was desirable, but now,...
WheresHerFace Not to worry, I’m back, and no, I’m not dead… unless you count on the inside. I’m sorry for all the silence and I would like to thank you all for the messages of concern the last few months. I truly missed your lovely faces...
DIGITAL CURRENCY We currently find ourselves in the midst of an economic, political, and societal shift like no other. A shift ushered in solely through the promotion of fear and lies about Covid-19. But, “what will this shift look like?”...
Far From This World Maybe they’re right Maybe there is something wrong with me I just don’t see how a government that wants to keep me safe could be bad Look at my pass Isn’t it neat Hope it’ll make my vaccinations complete Wouldn’t you think...
FDA approved does NOT EQUAL SAFE It finally happened, the FDA approved the covid-19 Pfizer vaccine. But before you start jumping for joy, let’s take a look at the story of another FDA approved drug, Rezulin. The tale of Rezulin’s rise and fall and its...
PCR TEST DISCONTINUED The PCR test, the greatest magician to have ever existed. If you think David Copperfield making the Statue of Liberty disappear was impressive, imagine making the liberty of 7 billion people disappear. Not only that, the PCR...
Rise of the VARIANTS A lot of noise has been made these last few weeks about the rise of the new Delta and Lambda covid variants. There have been threats of a fourth wave, new lockdowns, and the surprise of increasing cases among the vaccinated…...
Who is Robert Malone?
The SPARS Document
Covid-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases
Conspiracy Fun Facts With WhatsHerFace
Canada: Home of the CanUCKS