
Jay Dyer

The Monarchy of God the Father, The Filioque & Unitarian Arguments – Dr Beau Branson & Jay Dyer

Dr Branson returns to discuss the deeper Trinitarian issues surrounding the monarchy of God the Father, the Cappadocian teaching at Constantinople 1, the contentious quotes about existing through and

Open Forum Protestant / Catholic Discussion Chat! – Jay Dyer

Today I will discuss some of the recent texts I’ve been reading and how they are crucial to the Protestant / Catholic issue. Papadakis, Louth and Siecienski texts are a helpful addendum to the histor

MOVIE NIGHT: Cyber Tracker (1994) Watch & Riff Party – Jay Dyer

Since we had so much fun last time watching the awful Terminator rip off ROTOR, why not keep it real with another Terminator rip off staring Don the Dragon Wilson – Cyber Tracker, which fits with our

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