
Ice Age Farmer

BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic? There is an untold story involving Bird Flu, gain of function research, the Gates foundation, and Ukrainian biolabs -- and it is time to tell it. As hundreds of millions of birds are killed due to Bird Flu "PCR outbreaks,"...

BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic? There is an untold story involving Bird Flu, gain of function research, the Gates foundation, and Ukrainian biolabs -- and it is time to tell it. As hundreds of millions of birds are killed due to Bird Flu "PCR outbreaks,"...

BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic? There is an untold story involving Bird Flu, gain of function research, the Gates foundation, and Ukrainian biolabs -- and it is time to tell it. As hundreds of millions of birds are killed due to Bird Flu "PCR outbreaks,"...
Trump’s New Icebreaker Fleet & Grand Solar Minimum 2020

Trump’s New Icebreaker Fleet & Grand Solar Minimum 2020 Ireland's Dryest Spring Ever. Chinese floods. Massive hailstorms, cold temperatures, and precipitative extremes affecting agriculture globally. Trump orders new Icebreaker fleet to match China & Russia's nuclear...

UNMASKED: Technocrats Seize NY & The “Green New Stimulus”

UNMASKED: Technocrats Seize NY & The “Green New Stimulus” As the pope calls for a "new green economy," WA governor Inslee announces a "green coronavirus stimulus package" that will deprive traditional businesses, farms and ranches while heavily funding fake food...

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