
Ice Age Farmer

IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots 2022-05-17 15:36 Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs. Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can't afford rapidly...

Food Supply Shutdown: Deer, fish, pigs euthanized; crops not planted An observing alien species would ask itself, "Why is humanity destroying ALL of their food sources?" In this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian has a candid conversation about the overwhelming number of attacks on...

War on Food Goes Hot: FBI warns cyberattacks on farms — One farm stands up The food wars have gone hot -- and even the mainstream is noticing. Even as the fires and explosions destroying our food supply are broadly reported, the FBI warns of cyberattacks on farming infrastructure. As this awareness...
BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic?

BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic? There is an untold story involving Bird Flu, gain of function research, the Gates foundation, and Ukrainian biolabs -- and it is time to tell it. As hundreds of millions of birds are killed due to Bird Flu "PCR outbreaks,"...

BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic?

BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic? There is an untold story involving Bird Flu, gain of function research, the Gates foundation, and Ukrainian biolabs -- and it is time to tell it. As hundreds of millions of birds are killed due to Bird Flu "PCR outbreaks,"...

BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic?

BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic? There is an untold story involving Bird Flu, gain of function research, the Gates foundation, and Ukrainian biolabs -- and it is time to tell it. As hundreds of millions of birds are killed due to Bird Flu "PCR outbreaks,"...

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