After 9/11, football star Pat Tillman gave up his career on the gridiron to join the Marines, eventually serving in Afghanistan where he was killed under mysterious circumstances. The military covered up the fact that Tillman was gunned down by his fellow soldiers, as...
Sign Up For Exclusive Episodes At Merch – Hosts: Tim @Timcast (everywhere) Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere) Serge @sergedotcom (everywhere) Podcast available on all podcast...
#shorts Sign Up For Exclusive Episodes At Merch – Hosts: Tim @Timcast (everywhere) Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere) Serge @sergedotcom (everywhere) Podcast available on all podcast...
The train derailment and subsequent chemical explosion in East Palestine, Ohio is being described by many as “devastating” and potentially “America’s Chernobyl.” Mind you, not by Norfolk Southern, the rail company responsible or the Biden administration, which took a...