April 12, 2022
During this walk and talk Tim goes over interest rate risk. Tim goes over what it means and how it can impact your portfolio and the devastating effect it can have on the bond market.
Tim also gets into why bonds are performing worse than stocks.
Tim also talks about the real estate market and the exploding ten year treasury that is well above his danger zone.
Lastly Tim briefly touches on the Petro Yuan and the end of the US Dollar.
Hope to see everyone at flotefest! https://flotefest.com/
Full show notes at: https://thelibertyadvisorshow.com/tay18
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Why the “Safe” Investments are performing worse than the Stock Market
April 12, 2022 During this walk and talk Tim goes over interest rate risk. Tim goes over what it means and how it can impact your portfolio and the devastating effect it can have on the bond market. Tim also gets into why bonds are performing worse than stocks. Tim also talks about the real […]