- WOW! The FDA Just Obliterated The Main Narrative! Luke talking about the news for the week. End at 12:14.
- Finally Someone Asks Who Is Really In Charge? Jason Bermas analyzing the Tony Blinken questioning about the number of Americans and Afghani allies that are left in Afghanistan. Full clip. 12m36s.
- Tribute to Norm Macdonald, Last TRUE Hero in the War on Comedy & Free Speech | Louder with Crowder. Crowder explaining the changing narrative around the numbers left in Afghanistan. End at 39:04.
- Tucker: Biden finally forced to stop lying. Tucker critiquing Milley’s plans of working with the Taliban. End at 9:12.
- Who’s responsible for the Joe Biden Taliban billboard over I-83 in York County? There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip.
- Joe Biden “Making Taliban Great Again” Billboards Go Up in Pennsylvania. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. 0m44s.
- Rand Paul gives stark warning: This won’t be forgotten. Rand Paul commenting on Tony Blinken’s admission they’ll give the Taliban money if they submit to our requests. Short clip. Full clip. 4m27s.
- ‘You’ve Created Hundreds Of New Terrorists’: Rand Paul Grills Blinken On Afghanistan Drone Strikes. Rand Paul questioning Tony Blinken on the failed drone strike. Full clip. 6m11s.
- Biden Regime Confesses To Indiscriminate Slaughter Of 10 Innocent Afghan Civilians, Children With Drone Strike.
- Joe Biden Committed a War Crime by Drone Striking Civilian Aid Worker, Not ISIS, Evidence Reveals.
VACCINES, LOCKDOWNS, AND THERAPEUTICS Why The FBI Is NOT Your Friend! McKayla Maroney Testifies on Larry Nassar | Louder with Crowder. Steven Crowder talking about how his parent’s and wife got Covid-19, but he didn’t, and how many times he tested for it. An interesting opener to talk about in regards to the efficacy of testing. Short clip. End at 2:47. Nicki Minaj HITS BACK At MSM Over Vaccine Comments, CALLS OUT White House For LYING About Invitation. Kim Iversen from The Hill reporting on the drama with rapper Nicki Minaj commenting about a friend of her’s fiancee who developed enlarged testicles and became impotent due to the vaccine. Full clip. 9m02s.
- Vaccines & Nicki Minaj’s Cousin’s Friend’s Testicles. Russell Brand talking about Nicki Minaj’s vaccine hesitancy when describing how her friend’s boyfriend had swollen testicles from the shot. Full clip. 12m07s.
- Why The FBI Is NOT Your Friend! McKayla Maroney Testifies on Larry Nassar | Louder with Crowder. Steven Crowder commenting on the Nicki Minaj controversy this week. End at 39:04.
- ‘Nicki Told The Truth, Dr. Fauci Lied To Me’: Nicki Minaj Fans Protest Covid Vaccine Outside CDC HQ. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Minaj COVID Wrongthink Takes Another Turn; Singer Hits Back After Tucker Carlson Defense. There are multiple videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Minaj deleted tweet about Pfizer stock. Also deleted tweets about someone in authority coming after her family
- Nicki Minaj Exposes Media, Blasts Reporter Threatening to Dox Her Cousin, Friend with the Swollen Testicles. COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer- BioNTech vaccine analysis print pg 81 “testicular pain” AOC MET Gala HYPOCRISY! Plus SAFEST Election in Cali History & Larry Elder! | Louder with Crowder. Steven Crowder talking about a new study that was just released showing that most of the hospitalizations due to Covid-19 were for asymptomatic or mild cases, which most didn’t require an overnight stay. A very important and good video. End at 39:56.
- Our Most Reliable Pandemic Number Is Losing Meaning.
- The COVID-19 Hospitalization Metric in the Pre- and Post-vaccination Eras as a Measure of Pandemic Severity: A Retrospective, Nationwide Cohort Study.
- Adjudicating Reasons for Hospitalization Shows That Severe Illness From COVID-19 in Children Is Rare.
- SHOCK VIDEO: Senior doctors and a marketing director at in North Carolina discussed inflating COVID-19 numbers by counting recovered patients as active COVID patients. Short clip. Full clip. 2m11s.
- Multiple Hospital Workers Go Public: You’re Being Lied To About Hospitalizations. Owen comments on the nurses going public about the truth behind the “hospitalizations.” Play 1:20 – 9:18.
- Almost a Quarter of COVID Patients in England Are Being Treated For Something Else. Covid & Health: Why Can’t We TALK ABOUT The Science?!! Russell Brand asking the question “Why Can’t We TALK ABOUT The Science?” Full clip. 12m40s. EPISODE 233: THE VAERS SCANDAL. Del Bigtree talking about the durable and robust immunity afforded to individual’s that have recovered from SARS-CoV-2, and how the vaccine is wiping out that natural immunity even for those that were previously infected. An important video. Play 0:48 – 13:34. India State of 241 MILLION People Declared COVID-Free After Government Promotes Ivermectin.
- True Or False: Ivermectin. Kristi Leigh asking bystanders how much they know about Ivermectin. Short clip. Full clip. 5m00s.
- VIDEO – Alex Jones Takes Ivermectin Horse Paste ON AIR. This is an absurd video. But, it’s pretty funny LOL. Play 2:14 – 10:42.
- Joe Rogan and Ivermectin: Should Covid Be Politicised? Russell Brand commenting on the Joe Rogan therapeutics saga. Full clip. 9m29s.
- #1705 – Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying. Joe Rogan mentioning within the first two minutes that he was not vaccinated. This was a huge controversy two weeks ago when he admitted to contracting Covid-19 and stated what he took to beat it. The Rokfin chat and myself searched for an answer as to whether or not he was vaccinated, and we could only find a ZeroHedge article without any reference stating that he was. But, it seems as though that was wrong and I’d like to offer a correction. Play the first two minutes, or until he states he hasn’t been vaccinated.
- Dr. Stephen Guffanti: Big Corporations in Lock-Step to Deny People Access to Ivermectin. Alex Jones interviewing Dr. Stephen Guffanti. Short clip. End at 1:48.
- New restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19. Sen. Rand Paul: By the government owning all the monoclonal antibodies, we no longer have capitalism. Rand Paul being interviewed by Sean Hannity about the government control of the distribution of Monoclonal Antibodies. Short clip. Full clip. 2m03s.
- Sen. Rand Paul: Biden Changed Distribution of Antibody Treatment ‘For Political Reasons’.
- Antibody cocktail, touted by Trump as ‘cure’ for Covid-19, to be launched across UK next week for coronavirus patients.
- Biden Admin Limiting Supply Of Monoclonal Antibodies In 7 Southern States Under Guise Of Preventing A Shortage. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. How Big Pharma Uses Fauci and the Media to Murder Americans. A Greg Reese report about big Pharma uses Fauci and the media to support Remdesivir for coronavirus treatment. Short clip. End at 3:24.
- DisCoVeRy Trial Results Mean More Bad News for Remdesivir—No Clinical Benefit. FDA panel recommends Pfizer’s Covid booster doses for people 65 and older after rejecting third shots for general population. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips. FDA Votes 16-2 AGAINST Widespread Covid-19 Booster Shots.
- House of COVID Cards Collapses: FDA Vaccine Panel Comes Out Against Deadly Injections. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips. Uncensored The FDA Open Call That You Won’t Hear On The Evening News. Play 10:30 – End. Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee – 9/17/2021. The Meaning of the FDA Resignations. FDA Panel Rejects Booster Shots. Owen talks about the FDA rejecting the booster shot for most of Americans. Play 1:47 – 10:20. EPISODE 233: THE VAERS SCANDAL. The Jaxen Report. Play 13:42 – 43:52. UN Graph Shows Vaccinated Dying En Masse. Alex Jones breaking down all of the countries that have had a spike in Covid-19 cases and have high vaccination rates. End at 7:34.
- SHOCK STUDY! Vaccinated 27 Times More Likely To Catch COVID. An OAN report about vaccine escape and Covid-19. End at 6:02.
- HIGHLIGHTS – Moderna Admits Vaccines Increases Rates Of Infection. Find the article the video is too short.
- Israel Facing New Record Corona Spike Despite Vaccine Passport Rollout.
- “Life Has Not Improved By As Much As We Hoped” – Singapore Outbreak Worsens With 80% Vaccinated. Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo (Full Length). DIGITAL CURRENCY. WhatsHerFace talking about digital currency and vaccine passports. Short clip. End at 4:27. Kim Iversen: Biden’s Vaccine Mandates INFRINGE On Bodily Freedom. Kim Iversen reporting on how Biden’s mandates infringe on bodily freedom. Full clip. 8m48s.
- Time Is Running Out. Jon Bowne stating how time is running out on resisting vaccine mandates. Short clip. End at 4:17.
- We’re not complying with Biden’s new COVID mandate. Here’s why. Jeremy Boreing explaining why The Daily Wire will not comply with Biden’s vaccine mandates. Short clip. Full clip. 3m29s.
- Federal Government Paying Companies To Vaccinate Their Employees. Owen talking with Peggy Hall about how the government is paying private businesses to mandate vaccines. Play 2:04 – 28:05.
- Vaccination Numbers Still Trending Down Despite Biden’s Mandates, CDC Dashboard Suggests.
- Thousands of LAPD cops & staff to seek ‘religious exemptions’ from Covid-19 vaccine mandate.
-—attorney-general-1089079893.html Arizona Sues Biden Administration Over Federal Vaccine Mandate – Attorney General.
- 125 Indiana Hospital Employees Quit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Despite Mandates, Biden Commerce Secretary Claims “Nobody Is Being Forced” To Take COVID Vaccine.
- NBA Won’t Force Vaccine on Elite Athletes, But Staff Will be Mandated to Get the Jab.
- Unvaccinated Buffalo Bills Fans To Be Banned From Home Games.
- Navy Football Coach Fired for Declining COVID Injection. Tribute to Norm Macdonald, Last TRUE Hero in the War on Comedy & Free Speech | Louder with Crowder. Crowder commenting on how Fauci is suggesting travel restrictions unless you have a vaccine passport or proof of a negative test. Important segment and definitely worth showing. End at 33:24.
- Stop Fauci Or Die! Jon Bowne detailing the contradictions that are Dr. Fauci. End at 6:14.
- Fauci Calls for Travel Restrictions for Unvaxxed Americans.
- Fox News Praised By White House For Imposing STRICTER Covid Policy on Employees Than Biden Mandate.
- Poll: Almost Half Of Americans Disapprove Of Biden Vaccine Mandates. There is a video in the article. Full clip. 8m37s.
- Poll Finds Almost HALF Of Americans Want Vaccine Passports.
- Poll Finds Vaccinated Americans Significantly More Likely to Dump Their Friends Over Stance on COVID-19 Jab. Why The FBI Is NOT Your Friend! McKayla Maroney Testifies on Larry Nassar | Louder with Crowder. Steven Crowder talking about Jim Bruer being ostracized by the media and other comedians because he declared he will not perform at a venue that enforces vaccine mandates. End at 21:38. NEW YORKERS UNITE AGAINST VACCINE MANDATES. Del Bigtree commenting on the NYC union workers protesting vaccine passports in the city. Full clip. 7m59s.
- Video: Inside Edition Finds That Majority Of NYC Restaurants Are Not Enforcing Vaccine Passport Mandate. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip.
- Fox Host Abruptly Exits NYC Restaurant After Being Asked To Show Proof Of Vaccination and Photo ID. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. 0m48s.
- Vaccine Apartheid: NYC Restaurant Kicks Out Black Family For Not Showing Vax Passport. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip.
- NYC’s Demand That Diplomats Follow Vaccine Mandate Creates Uproar At UN. EXPLOSIVE Truth About Vaccines & COVID w/Inventor Of mRNA Vaccine Technology, Robert Malone. Jimmy Dore asking Dr. Robert Malone about what a rational Covid-19 policy would’ve looked like if he were in charge. A very good video. Short clip. End at 1:14:28. Is it possible to drive SARS-CoV-2 extinct? (from Livestream #96). Bret and Heather talking about whether or not SARS-CoV-2 can be driven into extinction or will it be something we have to deal with forever moving forward? Short clip. Full clip. 4m36s. Should We Make Our Kids MARTYRS To Fight For FREEDOM? Tim Pool and Jack Murphy having a heated exchange around forced innoculations for kids. Full clip. 16m45s. Contaminated Pfizer Vaccines Reported In Several Japanese Cities. COVIDLAND Official Trailer The Lockdown. Short clip. Full clip. Police Manhandle Parents Blocked Out From School Board Meeting On Mask Mandates. Kristi Leigh discussing her experience being denied entry at a school board meeting in regards to makes mandates. Play 1:58 – 21:58.
- Police Called on High School Students For Protesting Masks. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- American Airlines Kicks Mom, Infant Asthmatic Son Off Plane Over Face Mask. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. CNN’s Don Lemon Urges Viewers “It’s Time To Start Shaming” Unvaccinated People. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. 2m45s.
- Male “Karen” Stalks Woman, Harasses Her For Being Unmasked & Unvaccinated. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. 2m12s.
- Karen Mask Freak Attacks Restaurant Owner For Not Wearing Face Covering. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. 0m35s. Facebook censors German anti-lockdown movement under new rules to prevent real users from organizing & amplifying ‘harmful’ ideas.
- Facebook Deletes German Anti-Lockdown Groups As New Censorship Rules Go Into Effect. San Francisco Mayor Breaks Health Order to Party with BLM Co-founder at Nightclub. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. 2m11s.
- Social Justice and the Emergence of Covid Tyranny. Alberta’s Health Minister Says Unvaccinated “Will Not Be Permitted To Attend Indoor Private Gatherings”. There is a videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Italy makes Covid-19 health pass mandatory for all workers & anyone without it faces suspension with NO PAY. 70’s German Film Eerily Predicted Covid Pandemic, Vaccine Mandates, Lockdowns, Masks & More. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. 9m03s. Maher On Kimmel: “Liberal Media” Responsible For “Scaring The S**t Out Of People” Regarding Covid. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. 2m20s.
- San Antonio Democrats Triggered By Pro-choice Vaccine Billboards Promoting Informed Consent. AOC MET Gala HYPOCRISY! Plus SAFEST Election in Cali History & Larry Elder! | Louder with Crowder. Steven Crowder showing the ineptitude of CNN not prepared for an interviewer admitting that the Texas economy, regardless of vaccine mandates, is much stronger than most in the country. Short clip. End at 15:28.
- Gates Foundation warns about future pandemic threats as Covid-19 response continues to snarl world economy. REPORT: Orwellian Medical Newspeak Revealed. A great report by Brian Wilson exposing the equivocation around the word vaccine. This was covered last week on the show so if we don’t have time we can skip it, but if we have time it’s worth getting it on the record. Short clip. End at 3:32. EPISODE 233: THE VAERS SCANDAL. Del Bigtree debunking Joe Biden’s claims that the vaccine is safe for children, and safe in general. A longer clip but extremely important. This clip is a segue into the intermission. Play 44:12 – 1:17:35.
- Horrific Side Effects Of Getting COVID Vaccine While Pregnant. A The American Journal report about a mother vaccinated towards the end of her pregnancy and the effects it has had on the baby. Play 1:44 – 7:24.
- Tragic: Woman Describes Severe Vaccine Injuries from Hospital Bed.
- COVID Vaccine Victims Attacked by Leftist Fascists and Censored by Big Tech for Speaking Out. Alex Jones commenting on the same news presenting some different context and perspective. Play 6:56 – 15:42.
- Top UK Immunologist Urges Investigation into Menstrual Cycle Changes and Covid Jab after 30,000 Reports.
- Local Media Seeks Unvaccinated Deaths — Instead Receives Thousands of Vaccine Horror Stories.
- Idaho doctor reports a ‘20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients.
- British health officials say school ‘Covid teams’ can vaccinate 12-15yos WITHOUT parental consent, so long as child agrees.
- Horrific Side Effects Of Getting COVID Vaccine While Pregnant. A The American Journal report about a mother vaccinated towards the end of her pregnancy and the effects it has had on the baby. Play 1:44 – 7:24.
- “THESE PATIENTS DESERVE TO BE HEARD” -VAERS WHISTLEBLOWER. Del Bigtree interviewing Deborah Conrad about the under reporting of the VAERS system. The interview lasts for 1:05:50, so play until the point has been made.
- Canada Adopts Chinese Social Credit System. Greg Reese highlighting how Canada has adopted the Chinese social credit system. Short clip. End at 2:24.
- Ohio Mayor: ‘Resign Or Face Criminal Charges For Distributing Child Pornography’. Short clip. End at 0:38s.
- Mayor Demands School Board Resign or be Charged Over Dissemination of “Child Pornography” Material.
- Why The FBI Is NOT Your Friend! McKayla Maroney Testifies on Larry Nassar | Louder with Crowder. Steven Crowder reviewing the plethora of evidence implicating the FBI in multiple plots to set up the victims, and juxtaposing that to the gymnasts’ testimony of rape by Larry Nassar that the FBI did not follow up on for 17 months. End at 1:15:56.
- Corporate Fascism Is Killing America. A Jon Bowne report about the global takeover by the elites. Short clip. End at 3:38.
- ‘I’ll write a cheque’ to anyone who can decipher what Biden’s trying to convey: Panahi. A Sky News Australia video exhibiting Biden at his finest. Short clip. Full clip. 0m52s.
- The Mainstream Media Are Trying To Start A CIVIL WAR!! Russell Brand interviewing Tim Pool primarily discussing how severe the divide has become in America and the west. Full clip. 13m54s.
- TREASON. Greg Reese about the Mark Milley fallout this week. Short clip. End at 3:02.
- Milley Leads The Chinese Insurrection. Jon Bowne explaining the Milley treason situation. Short clip. End at 4:47.
- Tucker exposes authoritarianism here in America. Tucker exposes how deep the corruption goes referencing the treason that Mark Milley performed by talking with the Chinese behind Trump’s back. Full clip. 7m01s.
- Tucker: Why does no one in Washington consider this a crisis. Tucker following up the report he did on Milley with more details. Short clip. Full clip. 5m09s.
- Tribute to Norm Macdonald, Last TRUE Hero in the War on Comedy & Free Speech | Louder with Crowder. Crowder commenting on the Milley situation by showing how CNN is already spinning it to view him as a hero. End at 50:10.
- Gen. Milley Confirms Secret Phone Call To China, Defends Treasonous Action as Part of His “Duties”. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Rand Paul Calls for Milley to Be Court-Martialed, Removed if He Went Around Trump, Colluded with China.
- General Milley Downplayed BLM Riots to Prevent Trump From Invoking Insurrection Act.
- Poll: HALF of Americans Agree Jan 6 Suspects Are ‘Political Prisoners’.
- HUGE: Judicial Watch Asks Federal Court for DISCOVERY on January 6 Secret Videos. Short clip. Full clip. 4m21s.
- Yikes: Joe Biden Forgets Australia PM Morrison’s Name During Globalist Announcement. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- VIDEO: Senator Demands To Know “Who Cuts Off Biden’s Mic?”; “We Need To Know Who’s In Charge”; “This Is A Puppeteer Act”. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Millions more Americans fell into poverty in 2020 as Covid-19 lockdowns wrecked the US economy, Census report shows.
- Hillary Clinton-Linked Lawyer Indicted In Russiagate Probe.
- Shock Footage: Over 8,000 Migrants Wait Under Texas Bridge, BP Calls Situation “Out of Control”. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Viktor Orbán Gives Pope Warning About Mass Migration to the West.
-—cbp-1089113397.html US Monthly Encounters on Southern Border Exceed 200,000 for Second Straight Month – CBP.
- EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: Inside Giant Haitian Migrant Camp On Texas Border. Alex Jones detailing the extent of the Haitian migrant caravan approaching the southern border. End at 28:02.
- Exclusive: Drone Captures 2nd Huge Haitian Caravan Smashing Across Texas Border. A video narrated by Alex Jones about the Haitian caravan at the southern border. End at 10:47.
- Biden Regime BANS Drones From Flying Over Del Rio Bridge After Fox News Exposes Migrant Invasion. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Alex Jones files lawsuit against FAA over drone restriction at border crossing where thousands of migrants are gathering. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Biden Regime BANS Drones From Flying Over Del Rio Bridge After Fox News Exposes Migrant Invasion. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- REPORTS: Biden Admin to Expel Thousands of Migrants at Border on Flights Back to Haiti.
- Exclusive: Drone Captures 2nd Huge Haitian Caravan Smashing Across Texas Border. A video narrated by Alex Jones about the Haitian caravan at the southern border. End at 10:47.
- 20,000 Migrants En Route to Join 10,000 at South Texas Camp, Official Warns. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Under 20 Percent of Non-European Illegals Obey Deportation Orders.
- EXCLUSIVE: Border Patrol to Shut Down All Sector Checkpoints as Migrant Border Bridge Detention Camp Swells to 10K.
- WATCH: Students sign petition to abolish the U.S. Constitution.
- Watch: Reporter Asks Psaki, ‘What’s the Deal With Biden’s Cough?’. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- The Fed Is Bailing Out the Wealthy as Everyone Else Pays the Price.
- Soy Milk Makes Man Grow Breasts and Develop ED, Shocking Case Study 2021.
- Video: Gulag Fencing Goes Back Up Around Capitol; Trump Warns ‘It’s a Setup’. There is a video in the article. Short clip. Full clip. 0m26s.
- Feds Posing as Trump Supporters Ridiculed at J6 Rally “Setup”. There are videos in the article. Short clips. Full clips.
- Facebook Aided In Recruitment Of Modern Day Slaves, Cartel Hitmen Internal Documents Show.
- Climate-Crusading Billionaires To Take Their Private Jets To Davos Again Next Year.
- Very kind comment from John Doe left on the website
- Star Boat – “The Space Blob” Part 1. Kyle Dunnigan being the best of all time. Short clip. Full clip. 4m30s.
- Norm Macdonald Calls Bill Clinton A Murderer Live On The View (11-16-2000)
- Norm McDonald – Moth Joke – Great example of his genius, in my opinion. Very Russian novelist of him.
- Comedian Jim Breuer torches celebrities and sports stars 🔥🔥🔥. Short clip. Full clip. 2m19s.
- Half Baked (9/10) Movie CLIP – Robbing the Weed Lab (1998) HD
- Trust the Scientists….. Conservative Momma satrizing the “science.” Short clip. Full clip. 2m22s.
- Life in 2022. A satirization of the vaccine passport. Short clip. Full clip. 3m51s.
- AJ’s Nobel Prize Winning For Humans REMIX (FT. Lil KC) – The Remix Bros