

Who Are the Power Elite?

The incident between Trump and the FBI exposed dynamics between a not-so-hidden ruling class and the myriad of security and intelligence agencies that seem to keep coming to be, without a say by us citizens. These dynamics were common knowledge not so long ago....

War Always Changes

When I was eight-years-old, war looked like shiny little plastic army men and black & white jet airplanes landing and taking off from carriers; groups of rough looking men decked out in olive drab, taking a rest to smoke some cigarettes and wipe the sweat and dirt from their faces; the jubilant celebrations of the troops returning home from the front (because, you know, we always won because we were always the good guys). For better or worse, these images now apply only to nostalgia.

Watching The Game

We will all continue to be used as pawns in the control game because that is what we allow to be done. The state – and the system it perpetuates – needs your energy in order to keep functioning. But more importantly than that, it needs your attention.

A Brief History Of Mind Control

A Brief History Of Mind Control

As much as we have been able to uncover about this CIA program that began well over 50 years ago – and was never supposed to become public knowledge – there is still much more that we may never know.

Asch, Milgram & the Stanford Prison

Asch, Milgram & the Stanford Prison

It would appear that, as a general observance, the crowd does indeed hold some sway over the individual; but not all of them, and not all of the time.

REX 84: One Plan To Cage Us All

REX 84: One Plan To Cage Us All

…the truth is that many governments all over the world have invested time and resources into developing contingency plans capable of handling civil unrest during times of crisis. The United States is no exception.

A Little Further Down The Long Road

A Little Further Down The Long Road

Wherever you happen to find yourself as the calendar flips over into 2022, take some time to reflect on the insanity we all shared and survived in the past 12 months…

The Decade Of Grand Theft World

The Decade Of Grand Theft World

Whatever it means to you, wherever you happen to be in your own personal learning curve, I think one thing that we can all agree on is the “official story” we are being sold by the corporate media on a daily basis is a false bill of goods.

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