On the subject of bug-out bags, I talk about 2 additional kits people should have, a car kit, and a pocket survival kit.
Stefan Verstappen
Eric Interviews Stefan Verstappen – Another Shitty Summer Just an off-the-cuff conversation. To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit: For a consultation click here:...
JR Interview with Stefan Verstappen – When To Bug Out The title says it. To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit: For a consultation click here:...
We Will All Be Disappearing Soon I did this interview on August 24th with a radio host in England. But he is so notorious I can't even mention his name for fear the hate police will de-platform me and send SJWs to poison my cats. If you recognize who it is,...
Interview Stefan Verstappen – Bugout Plan The most unique bugout vehicle you ever heard of. To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit: For a consultation click here:...
JR Interviews Stefan Verstappen – CIA Medical Experiments I tell the story of how I became a conspiracy theorist when I found out the truth about CIA medical experiments conducted on Canadian housewives. To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit:...
Stefan Interviewed on Aeon Byte – Gurdjieff and the Way of the Warrior Mainstream religions and secular authorities have robbed humanity of its passionate edge. We turn to ancient warrior castes to find the means to make the soul dynamic once again. This spiritual exploration will include...
Stefan on EMF Mind Control Mostly my incoherent babbling touching on my ELF generator invention, and a story about authority. To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit:...
Bug Out to Retreat States People who value freedom are fleeing the Democrats and Liberals into remote red states. This is a real refugee crisis. To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit:...
Jeff Rense Interviews Stefan on The Cover Story Strategy I tell the story about how the strategy of a cover story aided me during my sinister past as an international gold smuggler (LOL no really) and how you will need a cover story to survive the police state. To download the...
Jeff Rense Interviews Stefan on Prepping Tips and Agenda 2030 To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit: For a consultation click here: Folks I...
Jeff Rense Interviews Stefan on Snitches and Ham Radios Under communism, there is no one you can trust. To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit: For a consultation click here:...
Travis & Stefan Discuss Which Style is Best for Fighting This is an informal conversation between my fellow martial artist Travis and myself on which is the best martial arts style for fighting. For martial artists. To download the most important collection of books you need to...
Jeff Rense Interviews Stefan on Take the Drink or Else To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit: For a consultation click here: Folks I...
Take the Drink or Else A Modern Parable To download the most important collection of books you need to survive visit: For a consultation click here:...